关丹居民大力反对在关丹格宾工业区兴建澳洲Lynas稀土提炼厂,甚至拉队到国会抗议,但是彭亨州务大臣安南耶谷却坚决保证,稀土提炼厂是安全及不会为周围的人民带来负面影响。他说州政府在批准兴建提炼厂前,已获大马原子能执照局(Malaysian Atomic Energy Licensing Board)就该厂带来的辐射影响,作出解释及提供意见。
We are nothing Open your eyes y'all 睁开你们的眼睛!
This is a wake up call ! 听清楚这首歌!
For those ignorant people of the world 我要献给自以为是的人类
打开报纸 又是一堆杀人放火 Another tragedy headlining the news today
又是吵架 面红耳赤你争我夺 People fighting each other to get ahead
又是政客 在胡言乱语Show off (Diam lah!) People playing politics to misleading the people (Shut up!)
又是明星 在绞尽脑汁炒作 (Oh please loh!) Celebrities making up gossips for fame (Oh come on!)
每个人都想展现自己与众不同 Everyone thinking they deserve to be special
诱惑太多 荣华富贵 怎样 都不够 Lustful thoughts out to get you at every turn
来继续堕落 快来继续卖弄 Keep showing off your material wealth
你还有什么 你还想证明什么 So what else do you wanna prove here?
你说你 能征服所有一切 当你拥有一切 You keep asking for more in life
你却从不自觉 But do not know when to stop
你说你 能面对所有困难 You said you can face all the hardship
所有的困难 都是过眼云烟 Easy come easy go
你说人定胜天 水来土掩 You think mankind can overcome nature
如果天塌下来 你会把它当棉被 No trouble is too much trouble
哈哈!有一天 可能就在今夜 But when the boogeyman comes knocking
山崩地裂 你也只能躲在棉被 Times up and there will be nowhere else to hide
We're nothing at all We've got nothing at all 我们一无是处 我们一无所有
When you're trying hard to be king of the world 但我们却贪得无厌 自以为是
We're nothing at all We've got nothing at all 我们一无是处 我们一无所有
Can't you see that we're only hurting this world? 却不断的伤害这个世界
劫 是逃不过的劫 Our path keading to a dead end we cannot escape
是老天在发泄?还是大地在埋怨? Our destiny written long before we set foot on earth
埋怨人类做的一切 是时候做个了结 Karma awaits and time to face the music
它一步一步 来摧毁一处一处 One by one we suffer the same fate
你只能痛哭 只能痛苦 You can only cry out loud
只能对着尸体 来表现你的无助 Staring at the lifeless body of your love ones
你的车 你的名牌 你的钱 你的房子 All your materialistic belongings
会在灾难中化为一片泥土 Tunring into waste when disaster come claiming
流着泪 望着天 等着判决 We wait for our sentence on judgment day
排着队 等着灰飞烟灭 The door at hell's gate soon opens
世界末日会在明天? Will the world finnaly end tomorrow?
还是明天后的明天? or the day after tomorrow?
闭上眼 睁开眼 刹那之间 In the blink of an eye
一瞬间 变成了一万年 The clock could turn back a million years
废墟中找寻不到 记忆里幸福的家园 Happiness no longer exist in what we used to call home
We're nothing at all We've got nothing at all 我们一无是处 我们一无所有
When you're trying hard to be king of the world 但我们却贪得无厌 自以为是
We're nothing at all We've got nothing at all 我们一无是处 我们一无所有
Can't you see that we're only hurting this world? 却不断的伤害这个世界
Can i catch my breath before I say "i love you"? 在说爱你之前 我能不能够吸一口气?
Can we kiss again under the poison rainfall? 不如在“毒雨”下 来个浪漫的拥吻?
Can I hokd you tight until tomorrow? 睡觉的时候 让我一直抱着你到明天?
Or tomorrow... There'll never be tomorrow... 但是明天...或许已经没有明天了...
看到灾难很警世 它有什么样的警示? So what have we learned from the misfortunes of others?
还是 你只是看着电视?不关你的事 Or it's good entertainment cos it's not in your backyard
继续放肆 继续无耻 So continue living your own irresponsible
做你以为对的事 and ignorant life
犯了一生的罪 沾了一生的秽 Feed your guilty conscience
然后再滥用宗教信仰脱罪 by abusing your god's forgiveness
天盖之下 地载之上 一群无知的人类 Between heaven and earth lies a lost species
以为出类拔萃 都在自我陶醉 Thinking that this can last forever but they're wrong
We're nothing at all We've got nothing at all 我们一无是处 我们一无所有
When you're trying hard to be king of the world 但我们却贪得无厌 自以为是
We're nothing at all We've got nothing at all 我们一无是处 我们一无所有
Can't you see that we're only hurting this world? 却不断的伤害这个世界
我国将会采用哪一类型的核子发电方式?是应用轻水反应堆(Light Water Reactor)包括沸水反应堆(Boiling Water Reactor)和压水反应堆(Pressurized Water Reactor),还是重水反应堆(Heavy Water Reactor)、高温气冷堆(High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor)、石墨慢化压管式沸水反应堆(RBMK)、快中子增殖反应堆(Fast Breeder Reactor)或者其他?
It’s all in your head, literally. Biologists think our brain’s frontal lobe plays the most important part in creativity, especially idea generation, and the temporal lobes for idea editing and evaluation. Here are some tips to get your lobes going, so to speak.
Put on Your Headphones. Music, any music, can get your creative juices flowing. By canceling other noises around you, headphones isolate music, and in turn, isolate your focus on the creative task at hand. It even measurably activates the pleasure circuits in our brain’s hypothalamus, which controls numerous body functions and moods. Good mood means great creativity.
Say Anything. If you’re expecting to write War and Peace, no wonder it’s hard to render those first words. You’re being too hard on yourself. You’re expecting the first sentence to be the best one. So, write the second sentence. Or the second chapter. Anything to get you past your pursuit of perfection and on a roll writing. That momentum will inspire you and help spur new ideas.
Reset. When you’re lacking for creativity, hit your reset button. Stand up, stretch your arms and legs, and walk around. Clear the clutter from your desk (the empty Diet Coke cans, cold cups of coffee and such) and create a clean work space. Reward yourself with a small piece of chocolate or playtime with your canine companion. Set a timer for 5 minutes and indulge yourself in your favorite mindless activity—Bejeweled, TMZ, dancing in your living room, whatever moves you. We won’t judge.
Oh, and One More. This tip has the SUCCESS editors buzzing: Change your socks. For an unexpected burst of energy and refreshment, slip into a new, clean pair of socks. It’s worth a shot.