
5-Minute Creative Exercises

It’s all in your head, literally. Biologists think our brain’s frontal lobe plays the most important part in creativity, especially idea generation, and the temporal lobes for idea editing and evaluation. Here are some tips to get your lobes going, so to speak.
Put on Your Headphones. Music, any music, can get your creative juices flowing. By canceling other noises around you, headphones isolate music, and in turn, isolate your focus on the creative task at hand. It even measurably activates the pleasure circuits in our brain’s hypothalamus, which controls numerous body functions and moods. Good mood means great creativity.
Say Anything. If you’re expecting to write War and Peace, no wonder it’s hard to render those first words. You’re being too hard on yourself. You’re expecting the first sentence to be the best one. So, write the second sentence. Or the second chapter. Anything to get you past your pursuit of perfection and on a roll writing. That momentum will inspire you and help spur new ideas.
Reset. When you’re lacking for creativity, hit your reset button. Stand up, stretch your arms and legs, and walk around. Clear the clutter from your desk (the empty Diet Coke cans, cold cups of coffee and such) and create a clean work space. Reward yourself with a small piece of chocolate or playtime with your canine companion. Set a timer for 5 minutes and indulge yourself in your favorite mindless activity—Bejeweled, TMZ, dancing in your living room, whatever moves you. We won’t judge.

Oh, and One More. This tip has the SUCCESS editors buzzing: Change your socks. For an unexpected burst of energy and refreshment, slip into a new, clean pair of socks. It’s worth a shot.




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