
【卫生部接管鹅唛原民医院·原住民事务局被炮轰失责】 - 《独立新闻在线》


民主行动党上议员拉玛克里斯南(S. Ramakrishnan,右图)表示,设立于1953年的原住民事务局是唯一一个设立以提升原住民的社会经济和生活水平的部门,然而这个拥有庞大权力和原住民社区控制权的部门并没法提供原住民适当和足够的医药护理。








他控诉巫统领导的政府在过去54年来漠视原住民遭原住民事务局边缘化的问题,受尊重的原住民领袖如柯林尼古拉斯(Colin Nicholas)和狄嘉玉(Tijah Yok Chopil)长期遭排挤,没有被纳入决策圈子,反之巫统的应声虫被委任为社区领袖。



图片来源:原住民关怀中心(Centre for Orang Asli Concern,简称COAC)协调员柯林



【2011考前祈福文.初擬】 - 法智法师

如來      應供      正遍知      明行足      善逝      世間解
無上師      調御丈夫      天人師      佛      世尊

人生有無數的考試      等著我們去面對          
踏入考場的我們      因為緊張      因為慌亂      腦袋空白一片
臨場的反應      往往將我們平時的努力      付諸流水         
枉費了我們的用功      帶著失望離開考場
祈望佛陀      您的慈悲加被      安伏慌亂不定的心
讓我們平靜內心      加緊用功      溫習功課         
讓我們以平常心      准備考試      走入考場

我們也知道      考試不能臨時抱佛腳
我們也知道      考試不能只是祈求您的保佑
必須要靠自己平時的用功努力      必須要靠自己平時的用心聽課
諦聽諦聽      如理思考      複習再複習      是您的教育的學習方法
可是      現代學校的科目多如繁花      考試範圍廣如大海      不易專注
而且      我們的心如猿猴愛攀外緣      亦如野馬不受約束      難以安住
於此      祈求佛陀慈悲      加被我們臨入考場的莘莘學子                            
息滅外攀的心      安住當下      掌握讀書方法      把握所學重點

考試的範圍很廣      考試的門禁深嚴          
應考的考生很多      錄取的名額很少      僧多粥少      導致競爭激烈
面對考試的窄門      我們承擔了無形的重擔      踝足不前
面對考試的逼迫      我們每天生活在壓力中      即將窒息
我們也知道      世間的錄取淘汰制上      無法滿足每個人的心願
我們也知道      每次考試成績名榜上
有些人      如願考到好成績      為自己的將來鋪上平坦的道路      平步青雲
有些人      也考得優良成績      卻際遇路途崎嶇不平的人生道      奔波勞碌
這都是      有因有緣世間集      有因有緣集世間          
光輝剎那之後      還得繼續努力      無論順逆都是人生考場中的考試      都要調心

我們也知道       世間的考試制度上      無法作為衡量人生的標准
我們也知道       每次考場的門檻上     
有些人      低頭含淚地跨過      為自己的表現感到失望和難過      痛心擊首
有些人      目光呆滯走出考場      以為未來就在這一刻之間毀滅      信心全無
這都是      有因有緣世間滅      有因有緣滅世間
這次失足之後      還得重新站起      檢討失敗原因重新邁向下一挑戰      走向成功         

您曾開示      應無所住而生其心
慌亂無助      來自過分執著的心      由此才多了徬徨
緊張壓力      來自輸贏強求的心      由此就有了包袱
因此      不能以平常心面對考試      妄自受苦
其實      考試不在於「考」而在於「試」      如鏡子一般檢視自己的不足之處
我們以佛陀的大智慧力      看清這事實的展現      加強不足                         
所以      只要趁此機會多加複習加強不足      到時以平常心發揮實力即可 

您曾開示      一切有為法      如夢幻泡影如露亦如電      應作如是觀
以後      我們的人生還有更多考試      等著我們去際遇
我們以佛陀的信願力      加強自己面對逆境的勇氣      不自我放棄      萎縮不敢向前
一切的考試      無非是增上因緣      皆有利益於我們
一切的考試      換來經驗      換來成長      讓我們的生命更加精彩

善護念眾生      善咐囑眾生的大慈大悲佛陀
祈求您      莫讓考生們      帶著緊張的心情應對考試
祈求您      以大智慧光曜考生的前程      使之光亮      破除無明



願一切眾生      沒有敵意      沒有危險         
願一切眾生      遠離精神上的痛苦      遠離身體上的痛苦
願一切眾生      健康幸福快樂

以此功德種善根      累世怨親同霑恩
由斯解脫諸苦惱      共證菩提度有情

讓我們以開闊的心面對人生      讓我們以自身實力開拓人生




【911十周年:帝国霸权留给世人的恐怖疮疤】 - 安那琪


2001年9月11日,上午8时46分,一架波音767飞机(美国航空公司11号班机)在纽约上空划过,撞向纽约世界贸易中心的北楼。过了十多分钟,上午9时03分,另一架767飞机(联合航空175号班机)撞向世贸中心的南楼。此外,一架波音757飞机(美国航空77 号班机)于上午9时37分撞向华盛顿五角大楼西翼;另外一架757飞机(联合航空93号班机)于上午10时03分在宾夕法尼亚的尚克斯维尔……这起恐怖袭 击事件,就是“911事件”。




发动911恐怖袭击的“基地”组织(Al-Qaeda),是美国在冷战时代为围堵苏联而协助栽培出来的“自由斗士”。911事件让美国霸权自食其果,但是却给世人留下了难以磨灭的疮疤,更可怕的是美国帝国主义还要以战火去强迫伊拉克、阿富汗境内的人民去为美国霸权的错误付出惨重代价。美国在911后发动的 “反恐战争”,并没有让世人变得更安全,甚至愈反愈恐,还腐蚀着公民自由的权利,繁衍伊斯兰极端恐怖主义的美国霸权,本身的帝国恐怖主义的确比任何自杀式攻击的恐怖分子更加恐怖!你能信赖全球恐怖主义的根源—美国帝国主义霸权,去根除恐怖主义及实现世界和平吗?


过去二十年来,当全球资本不断强迫世界各国政府开放门户让“自由市场”协助跨国财团可以毫无忌惮通过搜刮普罗人民与破坏环境生态去累计财富之际,全球资本的保护者—美国政府,也不断通过施展其军事霸权去解决全球资本主义统治所衍生的危机。无论是在伊拉克、索马里,还是科索沃,都可以看到美国帝国主义穷兵黩武的证据。美国习惯把跟它敌对或不听从它指挥的国家标签为“流氓国家”(Rogue State),但是对于跟多人来说,美国帝国主义在世界各地的横行霸道,让美国变成了世界上唯一的流氓超强。


阿富汗是后911美国“反恐战争”军事冒险的第一个受害者,成千上万的阿富汗人民因此白白送命。跟911事件完全没有关系的伊拉克,也于2003年遭到美 国为首的联军入侵,无数伊拉克人民惨遭战火蹂躏。美国的军事入侵,美其名是要打击“恐怖主义”甚至是要为这些国家带来“民主自由”,事实上却是要加强美国对中东石油经济的操控,以维护全球资本统治霸权的命脉。不过,美国霸权的如意算盘并没有打响,反而泥足深陷在阿富汗和伊拉克,突显着美国帝国主义霸权实际 上外强中干。





911 事件后,除了见证着美国军事霸权的扩张及战祸不断,包括美国在内的好些国家也出现一股“伊斯兰恐惧症”浪潮,穆斯林在“反恐”的大旗下倍受排斥及打压;而 一些政府还“名正言顺”制定或延续使用压制性的法律去镇压民间社会运动,以巩固统治阶级的霸权统治。马来西亚政府更厚颜无耻“自豪”地说连美国也要向它那 恶名昭彰的《内安法令》学习呢……






根据报导,彭亨州政府秘书拿督斯里莫哈末沙菲安揭露,彭亨大约有15%公务员支持​​反稀土活动,有者甚至在汽车镜上粘贴反稀土(Stop Lynas)的贴纸。 他说,他在彭亨州政府大厦范围内发现,一些公务员的轿车都有张贴反稀土的贴纸。他相信这些公务员是受到反稀土组织的影响而反对莱纳稀土厂在格宾工业区设厂。





吁请大家在尊车(汽车广告都使用“尊车”一词)贴上反稀土(Stop Lynas)的贴纸!



联合国儿童基金会(unicef)发布的《2011年世界儿童状况报告》(THE STATE OF THE WORLD'S CHILDREN 2011) - 《青春期:一个充满机遇的年龄》(Adolescence: An Age of Opportunity)中显示,全球各地现有上亿儿童在青春期这个关键的人生转折点,因为贫困和不平等而处于社会边缘,尤其是少女,她们更容易在剥削、性暴力(例如本南族女子遭性侵等,在主流报章都看不到这方面的报导)和强迫婚姻中过早的「凋谢」。为此,儿基会及其合作伙伴呼吁各国切实提高对青少年问题的关注,增加对青少年教育的投资,打破贫困和不平等的恶性循环。(联合国电台



还有更多的是,男女发生性行为后,女孩有了孩子,可是不知道父亲是什么人,或者父亲不认账,那结果孩子还是生下来了。马来西亚的1957年生死注册法令第13条文说“Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing provisions of this Act, in the case of an illegitimate child, no person shall as father of the child be required to give information concerning the birth of the child, and the Registrar shall not enter in the register the name of any person as father of the child except at the joint request of the mother and the person acknowledging himself to be the father of the child, and that person shall in that case sign the register together with the mother”。就是说假如要在报生纸上注明父亲的名字,父母必须在申请表格上签名,同意父亲是某人。因此有一些学生的报生纸在父亲一栏是空的,因为父亲根本不知是谁,或不认账。这样,这个孩子就会缺少父爱还有来自父亲的身教和言教。









Education and Career Development of the Orang Asli children of SK Runchang, Malaysia: Insiders’ Perspectives

Dwee Chiew Yen, Chieng Khieng Hie, Norhayatunnisa Nordin, Puteri Aini Megat Yusop, Raihanah Abd Rahim and Abdul Razaq Ahmad

Malaysia is a multiethnic country rich in culture, tradition and heritage. Of its population of about 27 million, 0.5% are the Orang Asli who are indigenous to Peninsular Malaysia. The term ‘Orang Asli’ originates from Malay language and can be literally translated as ‘original people’ or ‘first people’. According to the law, an Orang Asli can be defined as a member of an aboriginal ethnic group (either by blood descent or via adoption) who is able to speak an aboriginal language and who abides by aboriginal customs and beliefs (Aboriginal Peoples Ordinance 1954, revised 1974).

The Orang Asli, are not one homogenous people but divided into three categories namely Negritos, Senoi and Proto-Malays, the Orang Asli. They can be further divided into subgroups, which are all distinguishable, by physical appearance, linguistic ability and cultural practices. In other words, they are a unique group of people with different languages, cultures, beliefs and values.

Of the many issues related to the Orang Asli, education remains the number one concern for the government. Studies done by the JHEOA (Department of Orang Asli Affairs) show that the dropout rate among Orang Asli schoolchildren is much higher than the national average. For every 100 Orang Asli children entering Standard 1, only 6 will be expected to continue their studies up to Form 5. This equates to a 94% dropout rate. This phenomenon is worrying as it can deprive our nation of its precious human resources.

To counter the problem, The Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak has recently proposed three components to ensure success in education for the Orang Asli. During a groundbreaking ceremony for a new Orang Asli school at Simpai Village, Pekan, Pahang on the 25th of February this year (Utusan 2011), Najib suggested that firstly, schools should be built close to Orang Asli settlements to ensure easy access. Secondly, there must be teachers who are dedicated and are willing to work at the Orang Asli settlement and lastly, the Orang Asli parents themselves should emphasize on their children’s education.

Pahang state is home to the highest number of Orang Asli in Malaysia, amounting to 54,293 people or 36% of the entire Orang Asli population. Among the sub-ethnic Orang Asli groups which can be found in Pahang are Jahut, Jakun, Semaqberi, Bateq, Semai, Temuan, Chewong, Semelai and Temiar. According to 2010 statistics, there is a total of 14,974 Orang Asli students in Pahang. Of this number, 10,807 Orang Asli children are enrolled in primary school. This article will be focusing on education and career development issues from the perspectives of the parents, teachers and students of SK Runchang located in Kampung Runchang, Pekan, Pahang. Kampung Runchang, which has been developed under the regrouping plan (Rancangan Pengumpulan Semula), is home to 1821 Orang Asli where the majority is from the Jakun group.

Data collection was carried out through a program called EdePAC (Education Development Program for Aboriginal Community) by students taking a course called ‘Life Science’ at the National University of Malaysia (UKM). A qualitative approach through observation, as well as formal and informal interviews carried out with the parents, teachers and students of Kampung Runchang in the Malay language. In this article, the findings from the teachers’, parents’ and students’ perspectives regarding the importance of education and career development based on two themes namely goals and spread will be presented.

Goals refer to the aim and purpose of education and career development from the respondents’ perspectives.

From our observation and through the interviews conducted, we found that many of the Orang Asli in Kampung Runchang are well aware of the importance of education. They encourage their children to study hard because they believe it will improve their children’s chances of obtaining a better job and guarantee a better future. Some parents conveyed that they do not want their children to follow their footsteps and lead a life of poverty and hardship. They too, hope their children will have a better future through education.

”If possible I want the children to learn. I don’t want them to suffer like me. If they have education, they can get a better job.” (Ms. Saridah)

In general, the teachers from SK Runchang are of the opinion that education is the only way out for the Orang Asli. They think it is very important for Orang Asli children to be literate so that it would be easier for them to secure better jobs in the future. Although the passing rates of the Orang Asli children in Kampung Runchang in the UPSR (Primary School Evaluation Test) exams remain low (40% passing rate in 2010), a student named Juyana managed to do the school proud by scoring an excellent 5 As in 2010. Her achievement has served as an inspiration for the teachers and students of SK Runchang.

One of the teachers who teach remediation classes places high importance on the ability of the students to read and write. From her observation, many Orang Asli children face difficulties in catching up with their studies partly because they are first-generation learners. Many of them do not attend school regularly and cited reasons such as having to help take care of their siblings at home while their parents work. In terms of career, she expresses that many of her students tend to follow their parents’ footsteps.

“Many of them (students) tend to follow what their parents do. For example, if their father plants watermelons, they plan to do the same.“ (Puan Wani, teacher of SK Runchang)

From the informal interviews conducted with 6 standard six female students, it was observed that a majority cited career choices such as teachers and singers. When asked why, they said it was because they wanted to educate the next generation. Another expressed it was because of her aunt’s influence. She has dreams to become a teacher like her aunt so that she can buy a car and provide a better life for her family.

However, it was realised that none of the students talked about the more ‘prestigious’ and high-paying careers such as lawyers, doctors or accountants. Most of the students enjoy coming to school to learn and make friends. They named Mathematics and Bahasa Malaysia as their favourite subjects because they were fun and interesting.

Spread examines how parents and teachers contribute to the education and career development of the school-going children.

Although the community of Orang Asli at Kampung Runchang generally have lower standards of living, they place importance on education and enrol their children in kindergarten at the early age of six. This shows the parents’ involvement in encouraging their children to go to school. Due to the fact that most Orang Asli parents have received very little formal education or none at all, it might be impossible for them to assist their children with their studies. Some parents, when asked, expressed that they are not very sure of their children’s achievements or interests at school.

On the other hand, there were a few parents who took the initiative to continue learning to read and write by enrolling for adult classes in the school. This is so that they can become a role model for their own children.

According to one of the teachers interviewed, enrichment programs such as motivation programs have been held in SK Runchang to encourage students sitting for public exams. In the past, the school has invited Orang Asli speakers who have succeeded in their careers to give talks in the hope that they would serve as role models to inspire the students to aim high and continue with their education.

However, no career development workshop has been carried out in the school so far. In addition, there were no counsellors in the school to provide advice or career guidance for the students.

In order to find out what are the students’ efforts to improve themselves, they were asked about homework, family background and reading habits. It was found that most of the students do not complete their homework. Many of them help their parents with housework or prefer to play with their friends at home. Furthermore, some of them mentioned that it was also difficult to complete their homework because there was no one at home to provide help. While there are no bookshops in the village, there is a public library where the students can borrow books. From the conversation, they revealed their interest in storybooks and mentioned that they sometimes visit the public library to borrow books to read.

Fieldwork Observation
Through the fieldwork conducted at Kampung Runchang, the writers have gained insights on the lives of the Orang Asli. From our observation, this is what we found:
The Orang Asli school children of SK Runchang are generally very shy and have low self-confidence. During the activities carried out with them however, we observed that these children have the potential to improve their self-confidence.

The Orang Asli children were seen to respond eagerly towards activities, which involve music and dance. Their interest and enthusiasm in group-activities show that active learning works well for Orang Asli children.

Due to minimal exposure to the outside world, the Orang Asli children of Kampung Runchang are not aware of all the education and career choices that are available to them.

The teachers of SK Runchang are still employing traditional pedagogical methods such as ‘chalk and talk’ in classrooms. This may not be very effective for the students’ learning.

Fieldwork Experience
Since we have never had such close contact to the Orang Asli community before, this fieldwork has opened our eyes and changed our perspective towards them. Below are some of our experience and afterthoughts on the EdePAC program:
We used to judge the intelligence of Orang Asli based on their poor academic performance. But seeing their learning and living environment for ourselves, we realised that these children have the potential to excel academically if only they have access to proper resources and academic support.

This course has given us exposure on the methods to carry out fieldwork and research through observation and interviews.

We have also managed to apply theoretical knowledge in education, especially on qualitative research methods to collect data according to the appropriate measures.
During the fieldwork, we have also gained a lot of guidance and useful advice from our supervisor who has assisted us greatly in understanding the procedures of research.

In preparation for this program, we have also learnt how to apply soft skills outside the classroom. To secure sponsorship from private companies, for example, we had to utilise our communication skills in order to convince them about the significance of EdePAC. We believe these skills will benefit us greatly in our future endeavours.

From the data obtained, it is evident that more remains to be done by all parties to improve the education and career development opportunities provided to the Orang Asli children of Kampung Runchang. Teachers play an important role in creating awareness on the importance of education and career options, but this alone is not sufficient. We suggest career talks or workshops to be carried out in schools not just for Orang Asli students, but also for their parents. This is because we think that it is also important for the parents to be given exposure on the possible career paths their children can take and how that can improve their quality of life. This way, they can continue to motivate their children and keep them right on track.

We also think that it will also be beneficial if university students can conduct more community service projects such as education fairs, career talks and English camps in Orang Asli villages so that the Orang Asli children will be more exposed to the outside world and continue to be motivated to pursue their education to a higher level.

Through observations, the writers have also realised that the Orang Asli children love to sing and dance - possibly due to their cultural background. Therefore, we suggest that teachers could incorporate traditional songs and dancing activities into lessons, especially English, to make language learning a more fun and interactive process for the students.

Last but not least, the government should also ensure that school supplies and incentives arrive on time as poverty remains the number one cause for the high dropout rates among Orang Asli children (Kamarulzaman & Osman 2008). Well-equipped computer labs with Internet access should also be provided in every Orang Asli school to ensure that these children have the opportunity to stay in touch with technological advances and keep up with our ever-changing society.

The authors are students of the National University of Malaysia (Universiti Kebangsaaan Malaysia - UKM). You can contact them via email: dweeyen@gmail.com or razaq@ukm.my


奔向太阳的日子 - 《动物篇:老鼠》






这种俗称“鼠尿病”的钩端螺旋体病(Leptospirosis)是由钩端螺旋体(Leptospira - 简称钩体)所引起的,种类很多,基本上可分为致病性钩体及非致病性钩体两大类。钩体病为自然疫源性疾病,在野生动物和家畜中广泛流行。钩体在肾小管中生长繁殖,从尿中排出。肾长期带菌的鼠和猪是钩体的重要储存宿主和传染源。猪、鼠的尿污染的水源、稻田、小溪、塘水等称为疫水,人在参加田间运动、防洪、捕鱼等接触疫水时,由于钩体有较强的侵袭力,能穿过正常或破损的皮肤和粘膜,侵入人体。进食被病鼠排泄物污染的食物或饮水时,钩体可经消化道粘膜进入人体,也可经胎盘感染胎儿引起流产;此外,钩体还可经吸血昆虫传播。人群普通对钩体易感,但发病率高低与接触疫水的机会和机体免疫力有关。以农民、支农外来人员、饲养员及农村青少年发病率较高。钩体病主要有在多雨、鼠类等动物活动频繁的地区流行。



河流就是他们的命脉,但随着原住民村的外围森林全都被开拓为油棕园和西瓜园,还有号称全马最大的牧羊场,河水被污染已是无可避免的事情。发展的脚步开到来了,发展所带来的问题也会逐渐出现。未来这里的基本设施是否能够齐全,是无法单靠单纯的原住民争取得到的,是要村长、当地的国会议员 - 尊贵的首相拿督斯里纳吉,还有州议员 - 掌握彭亨州大权的行政议员拿督依斯贺主动来协助,可惜似乎以上三位都不屑理会这点小事,原住民还是要继续过着无法自主的苦日子。

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